Toko Karya Jual Atago 2323 Terlengkap di Jakrta Utara Selain Sirine bandara toko karya juga menyediakan Alarm Bell, Fire Roun Bell, Bell Listrik, Lampu Sorot Mata kucing, Lampu Merkuri, Lampu Holagen, dll.
These are the successor model to the conventional N-1α. The MASTER-M / PM series is a good alternative choice when the water resistant feature is not a priority and the Temperature Compensation will be carried out manually. Not equipped with the Automatic Temperature Compensation feature. The MASTER-M is made of metal, and the MASTER-PM is plastic. The specifications are exactly the same. For salty and acidic samples, choose the plastic body, MASTER-PM. Specification Scale range Brix 0.0 to 33.0% Minimum Scale Brix 0.2% Size & Weight 1.26" x 1.34" x 7.99"/ 0.34 lb.
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