Hubungi Toko Karya Nusatama PCE-WB 20SD Heat Index WBGT Meter Temperature di Jogjakarta, Untuk pemesanan anda bisa menghubungi sales marketing kami di TLP/SMS : 085740767348 / WA : 081339893673 atau anda bisa menirimkan e-mail ke Kami juga menjual berbagai alat listik, penangkal petir, alat safety, alat teknik, alat ukur, alat survey, alat geologi, sirine, alat optik, lampu emergency, alat hydraulic, safety shower dan lain sebagainya. Free ongkir khusus untuk daerah jakarta dan sekitarnya.
The Data Logger PCE-WB 20 SD is designed to capture WBGT-values, the Black-Globe Temperature, humidity, air temperature, wet-bulb temperature, and the dew point temperature indoors as well as outside. The Data Logger PCE-WB 20 SD has been developed for an objective rating of working places under extreme weather conditions. Objective criteria for the determination of an adequate level for physical activity outdoors can be valuable in industrial environments, since clear standards assure relevant actions. The US military developed the WBGT as a basic for their training camps, but since then the WBGT principle has been extended to work places and sports activity locations. The WBGT index is useful to develop guidelines for work breaks and limitations or preventions of intense activity. The Data Logger can read temperature and dew point values that can be stored onto a memory SD card. In case the conditions change, an acoustic alarm goes off. The Data Logger PCE-WB 20 SD can be used to document up to 99 values in real time automatically in an interval of 1 … 3600 seconds or manually by pressing a button. This allows measuring values and a distinct time and storing them as evidence of the environmental conditions. By means of the SD memory card, the stored data can be transferred to a computer and displayed in a spreadsheet.
– Large LCD display
– Real time indication
– Integrated data logger
– Acoustic alarm – RH in % and dew point calculation
– SD memory card storage
KAMI MELAYANI PEMESANAN KESELURUH KOTA-KOTA DI INDONESIA Surabaya, Bali, Sidoarjo, Malang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bandung, Sumatra, Aceh, Lampung, Medan, Riau, Batam, Jambi, Padang, Kalimantan, Samarinda, Pekanbaru, Bengkulu, Makasar, Sulawesi, Irian jaya,Papua, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, Ntt, Ntb, Gorontalo, maluku DLL
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